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Privacy & Terms

Some notes on Privacy & Business Terms.

Most important: We are honest and use our common sense. 


A word on Privacy

Who we are

Understanding Trends is a privatly founded initiative. It’s main focus is a blog on trends and ideas around business, technology and society. Our website address is: . Understanding Trends is based in the greater area of Zurich, Switzerland.

 What personal data we collect and why we collect it

  • Simply said: Right now we do not want to collect any personal data from you. 


  • We use the WordPress Plugin Monster Insight as a tool to monitor performance of this website and learn more about its visitors in general – not on a personal level. It may be that your data is collected and stored on these services when you use / visit this page.

Who we share your data with

  • Understanding Trends uses a variety of tools to create, maintain, monitor and improve the website, as well as to communicate. When you visit this website or get in contact with Understanding Trends, your data might be shared and stored on the platforms such as:
    • WordPress (We use WordPress & Divi from Elegant Themes, as well as plugins such as the native Divi plugins Bloom and Monarch).
    • MonsterInsight (see Analytics)
    • Gmail (We use Gmail for personal, direct communication).
  • Therefore, the data you provide to us is also stored on these services. Understanding Trends has no control on where & how these services may store you personal data. If you don’t want your data to be stored on these services, please let us know.

How long we retain your data

  • If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely, or as long as WordPress as platform of this page keeps it; or as long as you do not request us to delete it actively. 

What rights you have over your data

  • Hopefully, we don’t have any personal data from you. But if we have: 
  • You can ask us to delete / erase your personal data, or to correct the data you provided to us through web-forms or subscriptions, as well as to hand it to you so you can give it to another service.
  • This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
  • It also not includes data that is the result of tracking & monitoring activities, as well as data stored on third party applications Understanding Trends has no control over.

A word on Business Terms

Intellectual Property

  • Understanding Trends is the intellectual property of its authors. This includes among others:
    • The URL and appearance of this page
    • The Logo of Understanding Trends, as shown on various places throughout the website and communiation. The logo contains of the the name “Understanding  Trends”, the tag line “Conect the dots. Add a new.” below, and an open shape of a lightbulb with a dot inside (appearing in multiple colors, which are clearly defined in the internal brand guidelines) on the right side of the name and tag line. 
    • The tagline “Connect the dots. Add a new one.”
    • The color combination of specified branding colors, and the general brand appearance.
  • None of these elements shall be used, copied, distributed or modified without explicit, written consent of the founders for 
  • If articles or other elements of this page are shared, reused or distributed, an indication of the source (such as link, quote, etc) shall be made.


  • Any usage of tips, insights, knowledge, etc. provided by Understanding Trends through articles, newsletters, direct communication, or any other communication is in the responsibility of the person or company applying them. Understanding Trends has no responsibility at all in the success or applicability of tips, advise, ideas, etc. given.


We thank the following, great free resources: 


Photo by Lelia Milaya on Reshot
Photo by Lisa on Reshot
Photo by Trizia Quilala on Reshot
Photo by Adrienne Hulme on Reshot 
Photo by Charlie McMahon on Reshot
Photo by Louw Lemmer on Reshot
Photo by Alex Maldonado on Reshot
Photo by Senol Tastan on Reshot 
Photo by Adrian Dube on Reshot
Foto von Alex Knight von Pexels
Photo by fauxels from Pexels